I just wanted to write a horrible experience about lead packers and movers I had recently. This is my first review about any service I ever took : ). But Since this is such a horrible experience, I wanted to write one. I recently moved from my apartment with in 5 kms distance. My previous place and new place both are well accessible using stairs as well as lift. I called up Lead Packers and Movers and talked to a person called Anand. He did sound professional and I went ahead with them. He sent 5 people to my house and they created a mess out of my moving experience. They broke my TV unit (for no reason absolutely), they broke my Refrigerator base, they scratched my cot.
I was watching them moving the stuff, they are very lazy folks who are not showing iota of concern to my furniture. I dont have much furniture, still the ones they had they handled it very bad. I told them that for all the damage that they did to my furniture, I told Anand that I will pay 500 rs less (7500rs was agreed price). Anand was saying, I have not insured the furniture and mistakes do happen and he said, his guys can take my furniture and get it repaired. I was not willing to handover my furniture to an unknown folks, so I asked them to get them fixed first before I pay 7500rs for them, they were not willing to do that.
Anand was not cooperating and all the moving guys were bullying me for deducting 500rs for the damage. They were threatening that they will destroy my car, they took snaps of it. I called up Anand and told him about this incident, he kept saying, they wont do something like that. I think the guys who came to my place are some roadside goondas. Leadpackers should take responsibility for all their behavior.
This is my experience.