Read the manuals, take the driving tests, then watch out for the other guy, (or girl).
DEFENSIVE DRIVING Should be taught at all driving schools!. Even if you are the best trained driver to ever come down the pike, you have to think that the other drivers are real amatures, and do not have a clue as to what what they are doing behind the wheel of their car or truck.
This is specially true in South Florida where there are so many senior drivers, and emigrants on the roads. The seniors have slow reflexes and failing eyesight, while the emigrants dont have a clue as to the proper driving methods and many lack experiance behind the wheel. Another hazard on Florida roads is the female gender in their SUVs who must converse on their cell. phones while driving to a fact food resturant to obtain a quick meal for their rug rats.
DEFENSIVE DRIVING will save your life and the lives of your loved ones. You may have all your ducks in a row but the other guy is probably 10 cards short of a full deck.