Here I would like to cite some of my observations of motor driving schools.
While today you may find motor training schools at every corner.I have a few suggestions for those who what to join a driving school to learn driving.
Make sure that the car has two rare view mirrors inside! One for you and another one for the tutor. If there’s only one, the tutor will turn it towards him so that he can see what’s happening behind, this way you will really not get the feel of looking into rare view mirror for any decision making.
Make sure that unless absolutely necessary the tutor should not change. During learning phase better to get advice from only one person
Ask for early morning batch for first few days so that you are comfortable with basic controls when roads are not so occupied and then ask for morning/evening and finally night driving timings. Avoid completing 2 – 3 sessions in one go, at least in the beginning. Doing one session per day in the beginning will in fact give you more practice!
Their aim will be to finish the lessons, so they may insist for 2 - 3 together.
Later you can try for 2 -3 sessions together for a feeling of driving for 30 - 40 minutes at a go.
If you feel you need some more practice of specific areas like parking, reversing etc.ask for one / two sessions specifically on that area only, rather than just doing it once / twice during the course as per their way.