Hi There,
This review is meant for a driver that has experience, but is a perpetual learner. Theres no end to knowledge, they say, and every day we know better than what we knew the day before.
Thats the reason I included the(I) in the heading. In future I plan to increase the number based on my own experience, and also tips of others.
I have driven a number of cars in my homeland India and also abroad. I will however talk about driving in India(stick cars, not auto-gear) and make my tips as general as possible, so that it can be used by all.
How to stop smoothly in a Traffic Signal:
1. Dont depress your clutch to control the speed of your car. This not only increases the fuel consumption, but also strains some mechanics of the car.
2. Quickly depress the clutch, change gear to neutral, release the clutch. The car moves as smoothly as 1 above. However, take care not to press accelerator, out of compulsive habit, for the engine noise may show you as an arrogant driver.
3. If you need to pick speed after moving to neutral, shift to a gear that is comfortable at the speed you are in. You need notforce 2nd gear if you are quite fast, try 3rd.
4. Dont accelerate when you approach a signal. First it is stupid to do that, and, second, you almost always have to brake when you reach signal. Rather maintain a steady speed.
Saving fuel at Traffic Lights:
Switch off your engine if the counter shows more than a minute of waiting time. If your headlights are on, switch them off too. But, remember to turn them on when you start!
Controlling speed with Accelerator rather than Break:
You might notice that when you release your accelerator, the car has a braking effect.
1. Maintain a low-pass acceleration or deacceleration. What that means is dont accelerate or deaccelerate fast. Accelerate slowly, and steadily increase the speed. Judge the distance of vehicle in front and release the accelerator at the correct distance. Your drive will be smooth. Also, you need not suddenly brake to control your speed. This comes by practice.
2. If you go on a long drive, sharp turns, sudden acceleration and deacceleration will cause uneasiness to people, esp ones in the back seat. If you drive someone for 5-10hours and they admire your driving, then youre a guru.
Overtaking: Horn and Etc
1. Dont move Too close to the vehicle whilst overtaking from right.
2. Avoid overtaking from left, as much as possible.
3. Wait for clearance from the guy ahead of you before you overtake. Blink light or slightly honk to indicate that youre coming. It is better to follow the guys that are arrogant and dont give you way to overtake. Overtake such people on a clear road when theres a chance.
Always weigh your urgency(i.e. need to overtake) against the risk, and overtake only if you have a high urgency. Avoid temptation as much as possible. Do not follow rash drivers.
One final piece of advice: Dont approach a slow vehicle in high speed from behind, hoping that your way will be clear. Most of the accidents happen in this scenario.
1. The slow vehicle may turn to his right, blocking your way.
2. Your road ahead may not be clear to overtake.
In these cases, judge distance and slow down behind the slow vehicle. Overtake only if road is clear and safe.
Have a safe driving, and All the Best!