I bought my first lee cooper boots I guess some 11-12 years back when I was a 2nd year engineering student. Now I have a work experience of 6 years post MBA. And you will not believe it, I still have that shoe in my shoe rack. Of course I dont wear it anymore. But my younger brother has been using it for past 4 years now and still uses it occasionally.
It has survived innumerable trekking camps, college trips, sunny days, rainy days and all the tortures possible to any shoe on this planet but still came out intact. I wish to gift that pair back to lee cooper guys to keep in their museums if they have one as one of the longest surviving pair. Currently I have 3 pair of formal lee coopers apart from the rest. Again 2 of them are of my MBA day i.e nothing less than 7 years old being worn daily on alternate basis for all these years. Well, they are about to breath their last maybe in a couple of days. The 3rd pair which I am wearing now is 5 years old and doing just fine with no signs of ageing as if yet.
I just felt like writing this review as I am unable to get a fresh pair of lee cooper formal shoes now due to lack of availability and lack of designs. Maybe these would be the last pairs I wear from this brand.