I was a fan of Lee when it came to casual clothing. On a beautiful day ( guess it was weekend too) that we went to a Mall in gurgaon. Was more interested in window-shopping but then suddenly found this awesome pair of corduroy trousers with a real soft fabric. The moment I laid my eyes on it, I felt like buying it. Only thing which concerned me was its price. A hefty price of 1700 INR wasnt something that I am used to shell out for a pair of trouser but still.... went for it .
Now I m not sure if it was due to my handling of this trouser, but to my dismay, the back pocket got torn in the same week I had bought it. I used the word handling because I think the fabric wasnt strong enough to hold the weight of the wallet and I believe most of the guys are used to keep a wallet in the right side back pocket of their trousers. There is nothing else which i am used to keeping into the back pockets.
Had to travel all the way from faridabad to gurgaon again to this mall (Wills lifestyle store) to discuss this matter with the customer service. They didnt show any concern and told me that I might have got it entangled into something and there is nothing they can do about it. I was pretty sure that I hadnt done anything wrong with the trouser. Nevertheless, I asked them if at all they can get it repaired, but the answer was in negative. I had to get it fixed myself from a neighbourhood tailor.
The story didnt end there and I was proved right in a months time when the other pocket also got torn within a months time. This proved that the fabric itself was very weak and the pockets were coming off just by usual handling of the product. After all, a fabric shud some enuf strength in it.