I have been reading so many interesting and good reviews by my friends in this column and always agreed with the decisions of those who recommended LRL, as I also liked the new concept and the brilliant performances by all actors. But I am very sorry to say that the last few episodes made me change my opinion on LRL. I may not exactly be correct in analyzing the goings, but I would like to share my views with you all.
I feel that the current track of LRL is sending all wrong signals and I really doubt whether the makers are doing proper ground work. Now it looks that the story may take a deviation where Rajveer and Naina may eventually fall for each other. This may be the idea to cash the lover boy image that Rajeev Kandelwal sports among teenage girls, but in this process so many wrong misconceptions are borne into the story and the much existing problem of young girls falling for their teachers, is given fresh face lift. The two pairs Rajveer, Naina and Udi and Simran seem to be misinterpreting the student teacher relationship but I think the impact of the later pair is not that negative as their scenes are meant for entertainment.
Starting from the trial on Naina, it would have been more realistic had Naina agreed that her brother is a traitor and stayed in the academy. It is not the case, it just required Rajveer to give one long speech which made till than very adamant Brigadier to change his decision quickly. Then started Major Bhargavs scheming ways to trap them. First being the mentorship program which is compared to ancient "Guru Shishya Parampara" (as Ali says). The comparison ends there as it is no where near that tradition but has modern look with candle light sessions and day and night stays with mentors alone in the camps. As far as my knowledge is concerned in any organization or institution it is a must to provide separate accommodation for men and women. If colleagues in any office go to even remote places, be on election duty or on rural education programmes at least tents will be built separately. It is very much true in all Indian Universities and Institutions when ever they go on educational tours. Then how come the cadets, especially young girls are asked to share the tents along with their male mentors. I wonder whether this practice exits in Military academies.
Another problem is young girls trusting and some times falling for their teachers, Physical Instructors, private tutors and uncles in the neighborhood. According to many surveys, these men mostly turn out to be snakes in grass and more dangerous than the young boys among their peer group.In this case the teacher is a dashing young captain, a thorough gentle man who happens to be her late brothers friend who is always there to rescue and may not be exactly dangerous. But lately, the Captains behavior is more indecent towards Naina when they were together alone than the behavior of her fellow cadet Huda. The way he was looking at her with love stuck eyes was very confusing and here again the girl was unaware of his feelings towards her. Where as Huda who is raw and unsophisticated compared to captain was always either concerned for her safety or worried about her consent.
The sad part is If they really wanted to start the love angle between Raj and Naina they could have done that in more decent way in the beginning itself when he realized that she was his friends sister and definitely there was no need to involve another character Huda and create a unnecessary love triangle. May be it is a square as Dr. Ritu is also involved.
Now the simplicity seems to be taking a back seat, If major Bhargav hatches a weird plan to defame them with an intension of cent percent success, the abnormal and over enthusiastic behavior of Raj and Naina is making the plan two hundred percent success. Like in the test(?) conducted to access the level of trust among mentor and student, the way Raj dramatically closed his eyes while standing under the heavy bag, Nainas tripping and finally saving him differently by falling together in front of entire cadets and faculty was very garish.
On the other hand there are sensitively dealt aspects, like the sublime comfort level shared by Naina and Huda which could have turned into a beautiful love story ( I sincerely wish it would, but doubtful), the trust between Pooja and Ali, their concern for each other, the beautiful bonding between the room mates Huda, Udi and Alekh, Ali, their unexpressed feelings when they are shuffling rooms all were worth watching. But this sensitiveness is rarely seen now a days, finally the one which is dominating is the loud script, and Major Bhargavs bizarre plans. So I definitely do not recommend LRL to new members as I myself have decided to take a break as I do not see any entertainment but only heavy dose of melodrama in the near future.