I had very high opinions about tis serial as it was d only one tat made some sense and was different from d other saas bahu serials or serials which ve love triangles..i was also able to appreciate naina s determination, a very brave woman..i also liked rajveers and aleks characters as they ve been portrayed..but now the way rajveer s reactin due to his sudden realisation tat he loves naina and al her frnds suddenly turnin hostile makes no sense especially pooja ..i actually dint like tat character from d first..but now she seems to b d actual gaddar, a frnd betrayin nainas trust..atleast i can accept ali s reason for a sudden change cos he s reactin in tis way due to his family situation n he wants to b a rule abidin cadet which s understandabe but pooja, cant believe t.. i hope they get back to the actual army thing rather than showin us this love triangle which s prevalent in d other serials..i wd not lik LRL, believed to be different , to join the other serials and stop bein unique..