Left right left is about six friends who come to Kunchunga military academy, all dont come for same reasons. Naina Singh Aluwaliha and Captian Rajveer Shekhavat is the most important character in lrl.
All seniors think that Naveen Singh Aluwaliah bro of Naina sing aluwaliah is a traitor.but he is not only three guys know that he is not a traitor and those are Captian Rajveer, Captian Abhimanyu and Naina singh aluwaliah.
These three want to prove in front of there seniors that Captian Naveen Singh Aluwaliah is not a tratior. They want his name to be in the wall of kanchunjunga military academy for his honor. Alekh, Alekh what can I say about him he is totally cool and the interesting part is that capt. Rajveer s and Nainas love and from one side love naina very much.
The tri series match of love in k.m.a. poor huda thinks that naina will choose huda for his life partner
but what about capt. rajveers love. where he will go I say, left right left is totally different frm other serials. Especially the saas bahu ones.. and that is why I like it .. coz its different. I think it is just my type. I think all
the episodes of left right left of a week should be repeated on saturday if u dont see this serial ....you should ....coz its different!!!