Though all these days I was watching LRL without fail, I think now it is time for me to stop as the show is going from bad to worse. Before I quit I can’t help letting out my anger coz I really feel cheated, they are not only maligning a military academy but also taking audiences for granted.
The concept of a military academy was the reason of interest for me, I expected to see very dignified men in military uniforms and a discipline life in a military academy. Leave alone discipline there is not even decency in this academy. It has been ages, the cadets had good training, I don’t remember when there was some interesting class attended by cadets ( even if there was one, that was full of Naina exchanging meaningful glances with Rajveer ) instead we have stuff like the funny and odd test to decide Vice principal where again a teacher clubbed with a student. I don’t know from which academy the concept of student teacher pairing is taken but I’m sure the concept of a student holding apples on hands and head is taken from a circus.
Now a days, women officers who are not able to cope up with the tough army life are increasing, the most recent one being Captain Razdan’s suicide. Instead of focusing on the issue, in our KMA, Naina singh is draped in a saree and made to parade in front of men who stare at her from top to bottom, the most pathetic being her teacher passing some comments on her beauty.
Though all actors give brilliant performances, at times Kandelwal seems to be not able to come out of his Sujal’s imge and Gaurav is not yet got over his Nach Baliye fever. It is rather funny to see him break into dance at the drop of hat. Of course, there are some realistic and not completely fiction characters like Brigadier (it is very sad that we hardly see him) & Major Nair ( At least he behaves like a villain, Major Bargav was nothing but a modified vamp of Saas Bahu serials), Suriji, Lolita Sen . As for Dr. Shalini I’m sure some thing bold in store between her and Yudi. Going by the track I’ll not be surprised.
In fact now I feel Djs are taking the audiences for a ride and what a bumpy ride it is that I have no option but to give in. Actually it looks like that the team had a story with suspense, romance, melodrama etc, etc in mind and then chose a military academy as back ground not the other way round. Now I have neither interest nor patience to watch, how and why Naveen Singh is trapped .
On a funny note, one thing is for sure, I seem to have better idea and perception about a military academy than the entire team put together.