This is one of my favourite girly films, whenever I am in one of those fluffy bunny moods (which doesnt tend to be too often!) this is the film I put on.
The story is about a popular blonde girl (Reese Witherspoon) who is dumped by her boyfriend and decides to follow him to law school to try and win him back. Obviously being the dumb blonde she has a lot of work to do before she is accepted into the school and when she gets there she is sooooooooooo out of place. Of course as in all girly films there is a happy ending and she proves herself not to be as stupid as everyone thinks she is.
There are some hilarious parts in this film like her first class when everyone has their laptops out ready and she has her pink fluffy notepad and pen. The acting is excellent, Reese Witherspoon is brilliant and plays the blonde part perfectly.
The soundtrack is filled with those typical grungy girly songs by loads of people you have never heard of. It fits in with the film well though.
I would say that men probably would enjoy the film (but wouldnt admit it!). Its probably only if you have nothing else better to watch with more killing and death etc.
Overall this is a brilliant happy film which is perfect to get all your girlfriends round for that happy/weepy/lovey dovey type film. A must to see.