Visited this for catch up drinks with a buddy on a Saturday evening. Bar is decent, we chatted over a couple of Coronas, had a few of games of pool, all was well till the week after (read on)..
On the day I visited this hotel, the waiter made a small mistake. He charged us Rs. 1585 instead of the total which was 1581. Fair enough, only human to make errors. My friend noticed this and promptly got them to redo the bill and do up another Debit Card receipt. They did this and he ensured that the old transaction was voided. So all good, right ? Well not quite.
The next time I updated my passbook I was in for a shock. The waiter had charged me both the amounts (1581 + 1585). No big deal, I thought its a classy hotel, surely a visit down there with the appropriate documents and they would apologise and fix the error. After a few phone calls and a trip to Hinjewadi to meet Mr. Prabodh (their Customer Services manager), he offered us a cup of coffee and reassured us that it is now his responsibility to investigate the matter.
Two weeks down the line, no news from anyone, I ring up and find out that they were having an audit and were not able to look into the issue. Ok, genuine reason, I was still holding my frustration @ bay.
Last week I get a call saying that they cant find a double credit into their account, but my passbook does indicate a double-debit so I need to supply them with another weeks worth of Passbook photocopies (xerox). I politely explained to the guy that either I get the money back soon or I make a trip down to the restaurant and create a scene. To that he instantly agreed to process the refund. Mind you through all this, I have not received any apologies or offers for compensation of my time and effort expended in chasing them to fix a screw-up caused by their incompetent staff.
Its been a week since that and no news or money. I certainly expect better from a hotel that prides itself on its customer service standards. Very disappointed.