I Purchase the laptop on 15 march, 2009 and till date the laptop has to be sent to the service center 5 times for the service. the problem is with the CMOS of the laptop.
It is not saving the setting and it is changing automatically the CMOS is corrupt and they are not ready to accept it they are saying it is normal so you can understand what type of service u will get if u purchase any thing for such a low standard company where the standard level is soo low for recruitment of the people and the manufacturing standards for tis product.
I escalated it to higher management to a person with name Sentil subramanyam he ordered his reportee Trivenyy shetty to handle the issue after my telephonic conversation I came to know that she dont know any thing about PC hardware because her excuse for my issue is I have virus in my system and she directed her staff to format my system I worked in the market as hardware engineer for more than 3 years and I have not seen any thing like this due to virus. so I think lenovo do not have any standard for recruitment and manufacturing of the goods.
they are hiring those people who are ready to work in on low wages dont matter what their qualification the only qualification for lenovo is the person should be ready to work on lo wages. So I want to say that do not purchase any thing with brand name Lenovo. if you want to invest in laptops please purchase any other brand.. if you dont want to suffer, ..
decision is yours