Friends, never go for any of the lenevo products. Their service is worst.I purchased a lenovo laptop, within 6 months I found problem with display.
I went to service center in delhi, they did temporary repair it worked for 3 to 4 days then again same problem found.
I went to their service center for 5 to 6 times they did only temporary solution though they new its a mother board issues. After speaking with lenovo call center they said they will not replace the mother board.
Again after 3 month I noticed the same display problem, this time they send a service engineer Lto my home. He replaced a small part of mother board. laptop worked exactly for 3 months. Then again same problem. By that time 1 year was completed and they denied to do any service. And said I need to replace the mother board and it will cost me 19000 rupees. Please never go for lenovo.