It gives me immense pleasure to write this review on Lenovo Indias Technical Support Team. My Windows 10 was not updating, and I contacted Microsoft India, when I gave him my Windows product ID, he told me very rudely, that I was using a pirated OS, I was shocked to hear that, I immediately contacted Lenovo India, and their service department from Cuttack, Orrisa immediately started their action to solve my problem.
Cutting a long story short, I want to thank Ms. Dharitri Pal, Technical Support, Lenovo India, Cuttack, Orrisa for her patience and the outstanding support using remote assistance for more than 1.5 hours, she even called me up thrice to enquire regarding my Windows update status. I also want to thank her senior support engineer, Mr. Mallick for giving me a call today(9/02/16) to enquire if my issue was sorted out. I am really very touched with this kind of unconditional support fro Lenovo India. I will always, recommend Lenovo computers, laptops, etc to all my friends and acquaintances. I wish Ms. Dharitri Pal and her team all the very best in life. Truly, Lenovo Rocks! I have taken the right decision to purchase a Lenovo Idea products laptop.