First lets talk about the phone itself.
It is old now but still scores good points in terms of its performance but dont be blown away by the specs or benchmark scores because the Lenovo K3 Note simply lags in high end games. The display is above average but the camera quality is not that good. The phone has got a simple design but it not meant for single handed use.
SAR value?
I have been noticing many people speculating about its high SAR value but please realize that the limit of SAR in India is 1.6 and k3 just touches that, but that doesnt means it is deadly or causes brain problems. The actual SAR rating that Lenovo has provided is the maximum combined value of all the radiations namely Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi, cellular, etc. The radiation you experience in daily usage is not the maximum limit, but it only includes the antennas that are working. You need to use all the aforementioned things simultaneously so as to achieve a radiation limit. And what other brand do is simply provide the SAR value of a particular component and disillusion the people who dont know the reality. The maximum limit of those phone is still high.
So I would say there is misunderstanding in the fact that k3 note is harmful for radiation, but the reality is not the same.
Dont worry if you use a k3 note, just try not to use GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, calls, Internet at the same time!