Hi Friends,
Today I am sharing You My personal Experience of This mobile lenevo k8 note 64GB.So I order the product from Flipkart On 2 jan 2018 and They delivered on 13 jan 2018 Finally the product reach My location
I open the box The mobile is looking good But I
Take the mobile on My hand I feel I taken a heavy stone the mobile is so Heavy Like stone You cant carry mobile on pocket.T he mobile is came on two veriant 32GB ROM and 3GB RAM on Rs: -10, 999 and 64GB ROM and 4GB RAM on Rs: -12, 999 .I shock that Its having 4GB RAM but the mobile is more strucking and All of You Carefull read this
IF You are thinking its having Snapdragon processor So this Not True because Its Having a mediatek processor Due to this The Gaming performance is Not good Because Its lagging
And The important point is Due to Mediatek processor The mobile is Heat Too much You cant imagine.
Now lets Talk about camera The front camera is came with Flashlight and It is Good But The secondary Camera with Dual Camera is Worst camera It cant focus a Object.If You Take a Photo to 4k effect The blur region little bit came to Your Face and Body.
So My personal Experience is strickly dont buy the product