Lenovo K4 note is an very good phone or we can say it is an upgradation to K3 note the specifications of K4 note are upgraded little bit little bit in comparison to the speicifications of K3 note.
The phone is little bit heavier and thick but it have very good camera quality and performance battery backup of this phone is also nice the games like asphault 8 airbone, Sanandreas, Need for speed, drag racing, Vector, Clash of clans, Hitman: Sniper, GTA vice City, xenowork, Earn to die, The room two, Real steel, Modern combat, The Room, Limbo, Goat simulator, Gta 3, lifeline, Framed, MONOPOLY, BACK TO BED, The dark knight rises, Volt, runs smoothly without any hang problem and phone doesnt hangs even.
Lenovo K4 note jave vibrant 5.5 Full HD display, Widescreen cinematic experience,
Expandable upto 128Gb microsd card, Hd audio for totally immersive sound, 64 bit Octa-Core processor, 3 mic system with wolfsen codec suppor, Partner With VR glasses for a cinematic wide field of view, lightning fast - 4G/LTE CONNECTIVITY, 13Megapixels rear camera and 5Mb pixels front camera which is good for taking selfies n all, Fingerprint security and nfc, 3gb of DDR3 RAM which will not allow phone to hang even during multitasking, Worlds first Dolby Atoms* enabled speakers.