Lenovo was launched his powerful 5.5" display mobile Lenovo vibe k4 note. With mobile Lenovo launches V.R. Headset at Rs. 500/- worth Rs of 1299/- I was not buyed it. I was buyed this mobile for my brother. One good think is at 12000 price segment, other mobile offers hybrid sim slot but lenovo K4 note gives dual sim & micro SD slot seperately. So you can have two sims in place alongside addtional storage, if you choose.
Fuction of Lenovo is simple and easy to understand. Mobile dosnt have any difficulties to understand operating system.I like the desing of Mobile The mobile has Plastic body.It has 13MP front and 8 MP rear camera, Fingerprint sensor, which is used to unlock the phone but sometime phone doesnt axcept finger to unlock screen . Pattern lock is other option to unlock phone. It restrict only two fingerprint. You cant able to add more fingers.
It has dual flash, along with lenovo & dolby atmos logos.Lenovo Vibe K4 not has malt finish which lent it bit of soft. Battery of mobile is 3300 mAh, which didnt give good backup. At this pric range Dolby feature is good. It has Dolby speaker sound system. Sound of speaker is very neat and clear.
Unfortunately I will say that this mobile is not value for money. Because nowdays Amazing phones are launched by various Companies which gives high processor and good camera in low price.( for ex. xiaomi 3S prime, redmi note 4). so if you are music addicted, then you can choose Lenovo K4 note. otherwise dont go for it.
Pros -
Mobile had Dolby speaker atmosphere.
Dual Speaker.
Protection of Gorilla Glass
Design is good to handle by single hand.
Dual 4G sim with Seperate micro SD card slot.
Cons -
Plastic Body.
Poor Camera quality.
3 GB ram with only 16 GB internal storage.
Poor battery backup
slow in performance ( due to mediatek processor)
No backlight for capacitive like home, Menu & back buttons
Taking 40-45 sec to restart.
Easily heated up
Not useable for Gamers( It easiliy lack as well as heat)
Does come with headset.
Poor delivery service.