Best budget smart phone on its price range
Im not here for telling you its specifications but I am going to share its hidden features and other things
I have purchased this for it Dolby Atmos
IT comes with features like step counter which is unique and has its app also
It also has features like poket dial prevention mode
When accidentally the screen of phone is started
This feature avoids unnecessary screen touches
Another one is super power mode which is helpful when your battery is too low
Next is knock to lite , wide rouch, flip to sleep , finger print gestures , quick snap are its features
About its negatives
Heating is major issue it heats lot even in normal use also
Sometimes it cannot recognise finger prints
It has 3 Gigabytes of ram but hangs lot of time
It takes long time to switch off and switch on
You cannot be able to use flash light in HDR photography
Its main feature Dolby Atmos is automatically deactivated Several times to activate you have to
Switch off the device or restart