Hi guys, I used this phone for about a few week. After a week of use I came down to conclusion that these low range phones are not for reliable use. The look and ergonomics may look appealing but internal electronics components are completely useless. I came across may issue from heating to software, connectivity to touch experience.
Few thing I would like share with my viewers,
Looks are good but the phone is a complete mess, if you are a light user then its ok. If not then there are other options available at good ROI.
There are connectivity issues sometimes with the phone, as the antenna is of cheap quality and drop signal every now and then.
If you like shooting picture, then its not a camera for you. Its uses a cheap sensor which produces worst quality pictures.
Ergonomics are good, but the heating issue may spoil your overall experience.
If youre an advance user, this device is not for you. You will feel something is missing. And the battery capacity is also very less.
So, go through the specs, before you make a purchase. If youre a light user, this may not be an issue.