Deliver more for your hard earned cash, thats what the Lenovo Vibe K5 is all about. Mind you, were not talking about the Vibe K5 Plus we already reviewed a while ago. This time its the base Lenovo Vibe K5 - no Plus or Note in the model name means fewer add-ons and therefore an even lighter price tag.
So its even cheaper than the K5 Plus, we hear you ask? Indeed it is, and the price is one of three downgrades ( not one to complain about) compared to the K5 Plus. The other two are the display resolution ( 720p vs. FullHD, but 5 inches nonetheless) and the chipset ( Snapdragon 415 vs 616) . Thats that. The model designation for the K5 is A6020a40, while the K5 Plus is A6020a46. The rest of it is shared between the K5 and K5 Plus and that includes the metal back ( on a decidedly entry-level phone) , 13MP/5MP camera combo, 2GB of RAM and 2, 750mAh of a swappable battery.