Lenevo VIBE P1 Looks to a great degree great and decent! furthermore, I wouldnt fret the minimal additional weight, for the most part like phones on the heavier side, feels strong. Unique finger impression is working exceptionally well and is a decent expansion in this value range. First time VIBE UI experience.
Unique mark is working extremely well and is a decent expansion in this value range. First time VIBE UI experience and its not awful and the firmware upgrade gave the alternative to pick Google style UI also with application drawer - > So no grumblings.
Need to burrow more on various elements such as signals and so forth. Ordinary electronic merchandise warming, nothing disturbing 32 gigs+ 32 gigs(SD Card) - > enough space for every one of the requirements Screen is great Battery life is great 4900 mAh Camera should be tried further The force catch is fine yet it is shaking a ton.
Doesnt feel solid. Not certain in the event that it is the situation for all. Slight slacks in applications, here and there - > Can be overlooked. Not by any stretch of the imagination an issue
Generally speaking an awesome phone for the cash and totally fulfilled till now.