I ordered a pair of vincent chase glasses from lenskart order no, 1206447983. Though the ordered placement went smoothly and I uploaded the number too but somehow due to I dont know some issue at lenskart end they initially denied having the number but later acknowledged they have the prescription. Somehow the order delivery was delayed by about two weeks. I started using one of the two pairs recently but only after a fortnight of usage the metal has started corroding over the frame. The frames sides on the skin side have lost polish, become irregular and are now started causing abrasions on the skin. I think the frames are of very poor quality and because of coming in contact with sweat only have undergone corrosion and lost all polish and become discolored. All this within fortnight of usage.
It is a total waste of money, the frame glasses everything. Keeping a fancy name for some cheap quality product. DONT FALL PREY TO LENSKART OWN MAKE VINCENT CHASE.