Stay away from LensKarts at Home service. They took more than 2-hrs at my house to finish a job that normally takes 15-mins at any outlet shop. They are not at all transparent and they did not give me a detailed break-up of pricing for frame, lens, various coatings, bi-focal/progressive etc. They also did not honor their own no-strings-attached offer of "Additional 10% discount" that they promised in their initial greeting email.
Even after complaining to their support team in Delhi, no effort was made to correct their mistake. To make matters worse, the guy who came to my house logged in to his laptop with my credentials and made it look like it was an online self-made order. He even suggested that I use his laptop for initiating payment-God knows how many viruses/trojans/keystroke recorders he has installed on his laptop(I am paranoid when it comes to using someone elses computer to login to my bank accounts).
I flatly refused and completed the payment on my own machine to pay LensKart. But since they proved themselves to be dishonest and stubborn in not extending their promised discounts, I decided to cancel the entire order and they have initiated the refund process. I hope they will credit the entire amount within the promised 48-hrs. You are much better off going to your neighborhood eye-wear outlet.