Please be aware that there are two separate companies 1) leo packers and movers , headed by dilip shah 2) leo packers and movers india pvt ltd headed by mr vinod shah. The service that i am talking about below was carried out by mr dilip shahs company
I want to formally express my grievances against the WORST service I have ever experienced in my life. I had engaged LEO Packers and Movers to move my goods from Kolkata to Hyderabad. I was charged a whooping amount (close to 1 lakh rupees) for the atrocious services rendered.
Firstly, the people who came to my house to do the packing did not carry any sticking plaster and did not get enough packing material, they actually had to go back to the stores twice to get the material required to do the packing. I had requested that the truck that comes to my house for loading should actually got to Kolkata straight, meaning that there should not be any unloading or my goods being kept at the go down. Mr Vijay, (9949247047) Leo Packers Hyd assured me that this would be done. He insisted that I pay him the full amount immediately after the loading which I did and I had to go through an ordeal of going to his office and waiting there for 2 hours to make the payment.
Anyways my goods arrived in kolkata and to my surprise the vehicle was different which means that the company changed the vehicle inspite of Mr Vijays assurance. There were only 2 people who did the unpacking all though the company had 3 resources with them, reason being one employee was drunk. They borrowed another 2 local guys who never turned up, once again I reiterate the company does not have professional resources to do the packing and rely on local people more often than not (hard to believe considering the amount they charge)
When my goods were being unpacked following items were already damaged
1) Base structure of my Divan
2) Showcase
3)TV trolley
4) Scratches on my new Washing Machine.
Since they had only 2 people to do the unpacking it took them 10 hours (morning 8 AM to evening 6 PM) to unpack all the heavy items. The crockerys, kitchen items, clothes etc were not touched at all, so here I am having to do their job myself, not withstanding the amount that I have already paid in full.
The worst was yet to come, one of their professional packers ended up in breaking my glass trolley table while fixing the glass.
I would recommend if you want your goods to arrive safely and in good condition DO NOT use Leo Packers ever.