Review Part 1 - brief review (some spoilers)
This stunning film is centred around a professional killer, Leon (Jean Reno) and his relationship with a 12 year old girl, Mathilda (Natalie Portman).
When Mathildas family is butchered over a drug dispute with the corrupt officer Stansfield (Gary Oldman), Leon takes Mathilda in (and wrestles with his decision). She discovers Leon is a hitman, or a cleaner, and asks if she will teach him to clean. He begins to teach her his ways whilst her youthfulness and lust for life rubs off on Leon, teaching him to have fun and grow roots.
However, Mathildas war with Stanfield over the murder of her young brother is only settled at the very end, after Mathildas capture, rescue and the last stand between Leon and most of the armed police force.
There are many tense and thrilling action scenes along with the odd explosion or two for those that are looking for that but what I enjoyed most was not the style and swish that Leon pulls off in his jobs but the growing relationship between Leon and his 12 year old protege Mathilda (including many cute scenes).
There are some uncut versions versions (available in Japan, France and America as far as I know) that show more of Mathildas training and the romance developing between the two. It should be said there is nothing explicit shown only a growing openness towards their feelings for each other.
Ill leave the rest for you to enjoy by yourselves.