First of all, Ill tell you my opinion on fancying a little teenager like Avril Lavigne. I do not at all appreciate her image, nor the example she is setting for American girls, or girls around the world.
I know many will disagree, strongly. Sure, she speaks her mean, as well we all should. Infact, my first impression of her was another, younger, Alanis Morissette, whom I happen to admire growing up. Now being age 18, Ive realized that the needless, uneccessary anger, depression, and rebellion expressed in these artists music promotes nothing at all positive whatsoever.
I do wish these artists would think more about the example their setting instead of worrying and loving all the damn stinkin dough their making. Yeah, so what, theyre individuals. They speak their mind. Their angry. Their depressed. Their unique. As well we all are, the negativity expressed in Ms. Lavignes music is of poor character, and promotes negativity making rebellion an excuse to stand up for ones own individuality in the wrong way.
I do not believe she holds a good cause, and even if she has one, I do not believe it holds any sort of good. She looks like another guinae pig to me following what the world does. I see nothing at all different from her music, or her image. As well as Madonna has done, Britney Spears, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osborne, and so on and so on, they all have done nothing at all to better the condition of our society. Money talks. Indeed it does, and I dont think any of them take in high consideration of what is highly at stake. Children need heros with good role model values to be followed and looked upon.
Madonna, Avril Lavigne, etc, etc; should not be glorified as nothing more but imperfect human beings expressing to the world their human feelings. As much as people think and proclaim that they are not at all affected by the content & genre of the music, they are. You cannot get away from it, for it all affects us in ways that may be ignorant to our attention. In this matter, its about example. Example for the younger to have a chance of growing up with a better outlook on how the world is. Not trying to shrink it down by promoting negative rebellion and hardships that are excuses for mistakes.
So, overall, these entertainers, I have observed, are nothing more to me than disturbed or hormone high 16 year olds that never grew up. If you wish to observe Ms. Lavigne yourself, Ive been to her website to see and read her content she puts out. There had been many articles written and reported on her individuality in Teen magazine, Rolling Stone, etc., etc., etc. Avril Lavigne hates Britney Spears? Well, Avril, your just like her. I see no difference in your attitude, behavior, or example. Their all still young, and growing up out of their little phases every one goes through.
The tunes and melody of their music is wonderful Ill admit. Their lyrics and showing of individuality is, however, trash that anyone can do which takes nothing more than ignorant rebellion and poor character. I hope, and wish Avril Lavigne could hear me out on this. She could use her lovely voice and lively talent for another sort of energy. Theres no need for more anger with teenagers, they have a hard time with that already. If anyone of you all read this, please, let me know how I could somehow address this to Avril Lavigne herself. Theres no need to judge her, but her example does not give me a reason to give her any sort of credit in the fame she holds now. There are children growing up in a harsh cruel environment. Why make it worse with harmless entertainment?