Today is march 12th and I have ordered for YES Sapphire on 11th of February. So its one month by today and still I dont have the right product or does my money was refunded. I have already returned back the product since I got a wrong product and after following up for 2 week hearing that there was a audit at letsbuy, the product is not available and bla bla bla finally I received it last week. AND AFTER OPENING IT I WAS SHOCKED TO SEE THE SAME PRODUCT WHICH I RETURNED BACK IN A NEW PACK.
Once would be a mistake but after complaining also again shipping the same YES YMP-1 Mp3 player doesnt make sense of a mistake, I wonder are the packing people such an illiterates to make out the difference between the spelling of Sapphire and YMP-1? Both the times the invoice is for YES Sapphire, but the inside product will be YES YMP-1.
I called to your customer care on 7th march and after narrating the whole thing, my call was transferred to a senior executive who told that he will arrange for the pick of the product and that my money will be refunded automatically. But nothing has happened till today. Again when I called your customer care they told that it was not possible with out dropping a mail to you. There is no CARE FOR THE CUSTOMER at Letsbuy.