I had placed an order for a Motorola Defy on Let’sBuy.com on the 9th of September for nokia c2-00(LSB-374156). My very first "Let’s Buy" experience has been a huge disappointment. I ordered trough Credit card and the payment is successful. But till date they didnt even ship the product from their end. To day I called them and the executives says your payment is not yet confirmed. Then I call to the bank and they said the payment is success full and they have given the Transaction ID and Approval code(071315 - citibank). Then again I called Lets buy and coney them the same. Noe they are saying like it will take 24 hrs to reflect in their system and some bla bla. but they are not telling the actual reason. They are keep telling only one thing "you have to wait for 24hrs(how many 24s I dont know) to process the order". They are unable to ship the product on time. They are simply telling you have to wait with out giving the proper reason. God also doesnt know when the product will ship.