My money got refunded, but only after hundreds of e-mails and calls. Read latest update below.
So far, Ive had a horrendous experience. I placed an order comprising of several items(totally 6), and I got delivered only 4. The remaining items which were the costliest havent been delivered yet to me yet, and their customer care just doesnt respond.
Ive seen few Letsbuy people are here trying to help out the customers. My order number is LSB-468618, and all the items show as being dispatched, wherein I have not received my Philips Ariaz 16GB MP4 Player and my Philips QT4019 Trimmer.
I am very much willing to change my review provided my grievances are addressed properly. Please, please help me and do let me know whether my money is safe or not.
A very, very disappointed and troubled customer
An update on November 04, 2011.
Please note even a month after placing the order and receiving hundreds of promises from the customer care, I still havent received the product, nor the refund. This e-commerce site is such a nightmare! My 7500 Rs are at stake. I lost double than the money I thought I saved from shopping on this portal just on telephone bill by calling these guys on customer care everyday. Over that, Im not sure if my 7500 bucks are safe or not either. Im very, very upset and just dont know what to do! Everyone, please, PLEASE think twice before you purchase anything from this online hopping portal.
A deeply disappointed and troubled customer,
PS: You can see their colorful replies promising they will take care of the issue ASAP, someone will call us from their team and all that. Dont fall for it, I have not received any call, nor even an e-mail at least from them till date regarding the status of my order.
Bravo, Letsbuy! You single-handedly have managed to ruin my trust on any online shopping portal forever! :(