I have decided not to shop in letsbuy.com anymore. I had worst experience(s).
I purchased nokia c1-01 on 10/03/2012 (order no: LSB-911870), the product was delivered in time. packaging was average. And when opened the box and turned on the phone I realized the screen was little bit slant. It was ignorable so I decided to take it easy and I believed it as an exceptional case.
On 20/03/2012 I purchased Maxima E-19881LMLI ladies watch (LSB-935869) to gift to my niece. Even it was delivered in time. But I was shocked when I opened it, the watch holder inside the box was broken and it was too old stock. When I gave my mom try the watch one of the the strap holders got cut. Thank god I didnt gift pack it and send to my niece. I was attracted by the price tag. I even tried to review the product on letsbuy.com but they didnt dare to put my review on the product in their site.
On 26/03/2012 I thought of giving last chance to letsbuy because of the price tag it gave on the products Targus 15.6" Element Backpack TSP227AP-50 and Belkin Retractable Wired Optical Mouse F5L051-MDD blue (Order No: LSB-953193). I was pissed of this time only the Belkin mouse was delivered in time, I thought I had no issues only on this product I purchased in letsbuy after a day the retractable button stopped working ( may be because of my harsh usage). and about the backpack there was no news from letsbuy even after the two days from the promised date, eventually I had to call them. They said it takes another 4 to 5 days to deliver the item and it was delivered in 3 days. Thats when I decided no more shopping in letsbuy. Poor packing only bubble wrap wrapped with plasters to hold the wrap tightly. I got the black color bag but the image shown in the website was the blue one and there was no option to choose the color. Even this was looking like old stock and all the Targus tags were removed and I found them inside the bag, it looked like the used one.
I dont know how come letsbuy is known as indias second largest e-retailer. May be I was very unlucky with the products I got. Or is flipkart trying to woo the customers to flipkart.com from letsbuy ( flipkart brought letsbuy for an estimated usd 25million in 2012 source: wikipedia) by providing the poor service from letsbuy ????