I had ordered quite a lot of stuff from letsbuy.com last year. Everything was good until this last incident where I had a wrong item been delivered. I had ordered screen guard for iPad and they delivered HTC desire back case. It took me about 3 emails with strong word and about 4 phone calls and over a weeks time to get the pick up scheduled to replace it.
There was absolutely no communication for about 5 days after it is been picked up. I had to call them again asking for status. They said they got the returned item and they will ship the replacement in 24 hours. I contacted them again after 4 days upon not receiving the replacement. They again said next 24 hours it will be shipped. This 24 hours drama continued for couple of more times and finally when I called today they say they dont have stock of it and they cannot commit on by when they can ship it. My question is, what was reason for committing 24 hour shipment multiple times when they dont have stock? I cancelled the order today and preparing myself to wait for months to get the refund.
So, moral of the story, dont place a pre-paid order. They seems to be not reliable. order by cash, validate the item and pay cash upon delivery.