I wanted to buy Samsung Galaxy ACE. Now, its a fast selling popular cellphone but its available everywhere. There is no shortage of the product. I had checked on retail stores and flipkart/letsbuy. The device was in stock and available for shipping but letsbuy was giving me the best deal. I was aware of the feedback of letsbuy on this site and other sites, but still decided to place an order on letsbuy.
Next day I received an email from letsbuy stating that there will be a "slight delay" in shipping. Now, I do not understand the meaning of "slight delay" - is it 1 day, 3 days, 10 days, never? I called up the customer care and they told me it will be shipped in 48-72 hours. I asked the rep to confirm if the item is available with them. He said yes its available. So I asked him if its available with them, why do they need 48 hours to ship? packing and shipping is a 15 min job. Their website still showed 2-4 days delivery time.
He had no reply and repeated the script of 48-72 hours. I was skeptical of his claim and decided to cancel the order.
Good thing was that they provided a refund within 3-4 days instead of stated 21 days. However, if they would have shipped the product on time, they wouldnt have lost a customer.
Feedback for Letsbuy:
Keep your website updated with real delivery time. If you tell the customer it will take 10 days to ship, customer will wait for 10 days. But if u tell your customer it will be shipped in 2 days and then take 10 days, customer will be disillusioned with you.
Provide realtime data to your call center execs. It doesnt make sense when they tell a customer that product is in stock and in warehouse, but will take 48 hrs to ship.
You are loosing business due to delayed shipments and poor courier. Fix this and u can be the best online retailer in India.