My first order at Letsbuy was a PS3 game. Web site said it takes 4 to 7 business days for the delivery.
I called the CCare and asked them about the status, since on their website it shows Status as "Confirmed" from the day one. CCare asked for the Order number, and they will get back to me soon.
CCare called me back the next day, and CC admitted its a delay from Letsbuy and will escalate and forward it to the Operations department.
Next day, a guy from Operations department called me up. He explained the situation and said its due to the delay in procuring the item from the vendor, who had actually promised the delivery within 2 days. He said, he will try everything possible to resolve the issue to my satisfaction.
He promised me a delivery in 2 days and I received the product within 24 hours!!
Overall it was a good experience at Letsbuy!!