Worst service I had ever come in contact with. I ordered a moblie phone worth 9199 with 1000 coupen on 22-6-2011. Product is suppose to be delivered on 24th or 25th june but I did not received parcel yet on 30th.On 23nd they provide me reference no / waybill no. I use the ref no. to track my parcel on blue dart then I came to know that reference no is wrong.
I call letsbuy CC on 24th regarding wrong ref no.they said there is some technical prob with blue dart thats why they didnt upload right ref. ..i say ok I will wait till monday(i.e 27th) then ill check again. but things going to be worst , there is no update regarding to right ref no. I called to lets buy , they again told me abt technical prob with blue dart and at the same time they also forward a email to blue dart for correct ref no
On 27th CC ask me for 24 hr to resolve problem, then next day they again ask for 24 hr. and again and again they r making fake stories... I dont know what going on between lets buy and blue dart but I ditnt receive parcel till now( 30th) and and hopefully I have wait for 6 more day to get parcel.
Finally I want to say never ever trust on CC they always make u fool.. and dont deal with with letsbuy.