I bought an LG LED TV on 25th Dec 2011 with the order no LSB-743556. I am returning customer of letsbuy with no bad experiences so far since its inception. Also, before this I had never bought a big ticket item from them. This was my first purchase which was more than 30K and they proved my worst nightmare true.
I had contacted Letsbuy on Mouthshut and asked them if they will honour a LED tv purchase? I got a reply that I need not worry. This is where I made a mistake...
I thought that as they have a team to reply to people on Mouthshut... they may be little serious if I inform them of my apprehensions prior to purchase but I failed in my analysis. They are really a bunch of cheaters and nothing else (** I stand corrected - no cheating with me happened eventually but an error did).
On 27th they sent me a message that the product is shipped from DTDC with tracking no of V07211816. When I checked this on DTDC, it says the shipment is for Kottayam while my delivery address was Patna. WTF.
In the last 5 years of my online purchase history, I never had this goof up and that speaks volumes about the fraud that letsbuy is perpetuating. I sent a mail to their customer service with the problem... and they replied...
"We understand your concern for product "LG 32" LED TV 32LV3730" against your order #LSB-743556. We would like to inform you that your order was dispatched through DTDC via docket no.V07211816 and same has been delivered on December 29, 2011 as per DTDC website."
This is what they understood of my problem. The product is no where in sight for me and they are saying it is delivered now... do what you can.
Calling their customer care is useless. I wonder what the fate of my order is going to be but I will at least make sure that a few more people do not make the same mistake. If any of you want to see the mail communication that I had on Mouthshut before purchasing the product... please msg me. I shall send you the msg chain. Their replies on Mouthshut are an eyewash. I know that they will reply on this also with a standard format.
I am having all the records for all the things they are doing. This should make enough material to file a complaint in consumer courts. 7 days are not yet over as per their promise of delivery.
And one more thing, their reply for assigning a care member exclusively for you is also an eyewash. There is nobody assigned actually and no body calls you.
How do I know this? Because before posting my experience here, I had communicated my problem on Mouthshut email to letsbuy and they replied this "To demonstrate our practice to service excellence we have notified your complaint to the unit concerned and a care member has been asked to assist to you at the earliest. " and after this so called service excellence... nobody called me yet.
I am anyway not going to transact with letsbuy anymore. I would request fellows to use discretion while dealing with letsbuy. As a consumer, you do not deserve this what letsbuy puts you through. I wish I was in Bengaluru and then I would have used flipkart without any issues.
My hard luck that I got stuck with these liars and cheaters.
Update 1: I just saw another review posted on Mouthshut by Badhuru . In his case also, letsbuy gave fake shipping details. One more example... guys refrain from costlier purchases in particular from letsbuy.
Update 2: Today (1st Jan 1330 hrs) I received a call from their customer service manager - Syed Alam. As you would expect, he calls for just the heck of it... he tells me that logistics dept is on leave so no updates possible today but tomorrow definitely there will be an update.
My complaint has been forwarded for further investigation. - My 2 cents - its open and and shut case... fake tracking no provided so that you meet the delivery timeline for updating status - Correction - It now seems an error and not a deliberate attempt to mislead.
Update 3: Just now (1st Jan - 1730 hrs) received another call from Syed giving me another docket no (D07278407) that on DTDC website says... "delivered to Patna Apex office". Now, with this docket no the destination seems correct but whether it is mine is yet to be seen which can be confirmed only tomorrow. I shall update the outcome.
Although I am surprised how all of a sudden they have another docket number for my destination. I will reserve my judgement on this till later.
Update 4: Just now got a call from DTDC (2nd Jan - 1630 hrs) and letsbuy as well that the courier people are waiting outside my home. I also called home and checked and DTDC people indeed were there. And they delivered the product.
I dont know how letsbuy managed this and retrospectively it does look like an error from them. However, what is bad is that despite my regular reminders through proper channels, they did not correct the problem and only when I rated their services badly on Mouthshut, they woke up.
Now I am waiting for the update regarding the quality of the product that has been delivered. It should be a thumbs up from me if everything is good. But with this resolution of my problem, letsbuy has retained my faith. My analysis that they are on Mouthshut to resolve issues for real is also proved right. They have actually managed to deliver the product on time (8th day with a Sunday in between).
One more important point to note all this while is that I never called their customer care and still got the issue resolved. I am yet the check the product condition but so far so good. Will update if anything wrong.
I am going to repay my faith on them till they completely goof up my purchases as some others might have faced. Till then... happy shopping!