Re. Order no LSB-793254
Order Date - 18-Jan-2012
Payment made - Credit Card
ECOM Site -
Complaint - Non Deliver of Item purchased
I made a purchase of from website on 18-01-2012. Purchase was made using credit card and amount was debited immediately from my account.
Product description on website clearly said that item will be delivered in 2-4 Working Days,
Which made me to buy this product.
It is sheer dishonesty and misrepresentation of information to make customer buy things and chase letsbuy for delivery of product.
I emailed their customer service on 22-Jan and got reply on 25-Jan that my case is being followed up and I will be contacted shortly.I also made a phone call to their customer service and was promised a reply in 48 hrs but again their is no response till now. I emailed customer service again on 31st and again got reply that they would respond in 4 working days!
Not to mention, customer service would give you a sense of "I do not care, call back later"
Now their has been 9 clear working days since order was accepted and item has not been shipped and I have not been given any update by them.
Is their any way we can remind about 2-4 working days promise made at the time of purchase and fix accountability.