I saw an online advt for https://letsbuy.com for a phone. The advertisement mentioned that the MRP for the product- Intex IN5030e model mobile phone is Rs 3700/- and Letsbuy.coms offering at Rs 3070/-. In addition to that I had a Letsbuy.com discount voucher for Rs200/- which was given to me during my last purchase to be used in my new purchase before 12-Jan-2012. So the final purchase price for me was just Rs 2870/-.
Order Number: LSB_719330?
I got the product shipped on the the 5th day. Upon opening the box, I saw that the MRP listed on the box is Rs 2990 and the product Import month and year was marked as Sep-2011. How could Letsbuy.com mention the product MRP as Rs 3700/- on their website when the boxed MRP was only Rs 2990/-. If I did not have used the Rs 200/- discount voucher, it would have been a pure day light robbery of the product selling at higher price than the MRP. See the pictures attached to this review to understand it very clearly.
I had to call up the customer care number, which is an STD code to Delhi region. After waiting for 6 minutes, I get to talk to the customer executive.The customer care executive said, he will give me another Rs 100/- discount coupon for my next purchase when I said I was cheated. So I had to spend additional 12 minutes and Rs 20/- to talk to the customer executive which turned out worthless but loosing money.
Two weeks back I had ordered a different Samsung phone and the shipment didnt not happen even after 1 week and then cancelled the order since Letsbuy.com could not keep their promise of delivering within 3-5 working days.
Update 30-Dec-2012
I have reported the MRP issue with Letbuy.com and also with the Intex India.
Hello Letsbuy.com,
I have been cheated by your company. I was told that the product is having an MRP price of Rs 3700/- but as per the actual product MRP by the manufacturer, the price is only Rs 2990/-. Telling a wrong MRP, you showed me an saving of Rs 630/- and an additional coupon of Rs 200/-. So the saving projected for me as per the bill is difference that you took from is Rs830/-. In reality, I have received only a saving of only Rs.120/- from the MRP.
See the attached evidences.
Please refund me the actual mentioned discount of Rs710/- which you failed to give on the MRP. Also, I have just now utilized 13 minutes of STD call on my mobile which costed me Rs 20/- to call your helpdesk.
This is a formal notice issued to you for this cheating case and I would expect to see that you would return the actual discount and the costs involved to bring this cheating issue to me within the next 5 working days.
I have received the following response from Intex India
Dear Mr T This has reference to the mail sent regarding the wrong MRP of mobile IN 5030E. In this regard I wish to inform & convey my sincere apology that MRP was wrongly mentioned by Intex. This has occurred due to a communication gap & we acknowledge the in-convenience caused to you. We will reimburse the amount as mentioned in the mail sent to letsbuy. Pls do mention how it has to be re-imbusrsed Rgds
Key Account Manager
Intex Technologies(India) Ltd
D-18/2, Industrial Area Phase-II,
New Delhi - 110020
I was glad that Intex has taken up this issue about the MRP pricing and glad that they were willing to reimburse the difference of costs as I did not want to return the product which was quite uniquely available in India(2GSM+1 CDMA connectivity) . I informed Intex to reimburese the amount through my retailer Letsbuy.com and Letsbuy.com has credited the amount of Rs 730/- to my credit card account in a couple of days.
Based on the above actions, I have changed the rating of service and support to 5/5 and Recommendation to "Yes".
I hope Letsbuy.com would ensure that such issues would not happen to be escalated.
Thanks to both Intex and Letsbuy.com for resolving this issue.