I had purchased a Samsung Chat 322 (Metallic Silver) with the order no.LSB-372585 on 09/09/2011.
During a call with customer care, I was told that my payment is not received, so for that I have sent details of identity as well as the statement of my account. The product has not yet shipped. More ever there is no intimation to my mail regarding the order I made. When I contacted the again to the customer care they told me that your payment is yet too delivered & still there is no intimation. I communicated with my bank it says payment is already made to the letsbuys account .Seriously speaking please don’t cheat customers by giving false delivery promise. If you can’t deliver in time then please don’t mention promising timelines. I had also purchase goods from other online shopping brands like flipkart but this was my worst experience. Both letsbuy and flipkart has almost pricing but flipkart is way ahead in serving its customer.
It delivers order even before the specified timeline. I recommend all of you to use flipkart for better service.
And for letsbuy please stick to your service timelines. If one customer gets happy he/she will bring 100 more customers.
Chirag Kumar 09370005576