Levis is THE brand as far as the world of Jeans goes. The pioneers in the jeans industry with lot of variety, styles, colors. Have excellent fading, the jeans fade but still dont die and give you a pleasure to boast your pair of jeans.
I was introduced to this brand when I was 11 and my father got me pair from US. This pair of jeans which was Levis 501 Button Fly something very new style, never seen before by me and a real beautful blue color. A little loose to me by waste at that time, I used to hang it round my waste with my belt.It became my favourite trouser, whether it was someones birthday or some function I used to be seen in this pair. The more it got used the better looks it had. A real formal fading and more smarter it looked.It was not just me but my younger brother wore this pair for year till finally it was dumped by my mom.
Levis ruled my mind and it was my constant demand from me to my father when he was on trips abroad.
With open economic policies being introduced by Manmohan Singh then Finance Minister in early 90s Levis was their in the Indian market.
Levis didnt offer many styles in the indian market initially and their costs were slightly high.
But seems to capture the indian market by name they just started compromising on the quality.Levis available in our indian market is totally opposite of the features I mentioned. The quality of cloth is really bad and the irony is that the Arvind Mills manufactures the stuff in India and supply for Levis worldwide. The jeans dont last very long and with washing ive never found a good fading most of the times..rather deterioration of cloth.
Now you have plenty of styles may be boot cuts straights, loose, tights, etc.But have you people noticed that you usually find red tab jeans. When you demand for orange tabs or silver tabs, you are shown a better quality of jeans which are manufactured in US or southeast asia and the prices are exhorbitant compared to the regular red tabs. So it becomes more of a compromise buying a red tab which dosent last more then 6-8 months in good shape. After that it exsists but just another pair in the wardrobe.
Ive had this bitter experince plenty of times and purchasing Levis dosent seem to be an attaraction any more. At times in sales ive managed to pickup non-indian manufactured levis which on the other side has worked out very well.
Only one thing that goes good in India levis is that its fitting are excellent as it goes.
Whatever my experience with Levis has been, I still dont look forward to other brands of jeans, rather I buy the non-indian manufacture levis by shelling out more.
And if you people really look forward to enjoying you pair of Levis you can go by my advice.