Levis brand of clothing is one of the best brands available in Indian market. The fabric quality is good. It is strong and durable. I do not know of any one of my Levis that has torn over the years! . passes on to my siblings and cousins! Even the colour is intact!
Levis brand is quite costly. You have to take care of your pockets if you wish to buy Levis brand. The cost of Levis jeans varies between Rs 1800 and Rs 4000. In one the Levis store, South Ex. Delhi I have seen Levis Jeans of Rs.10, 000 as well! Levis brand comes in wide variety of shades but the cut doesnt impress me much. It can do better on Styling.
Levis is "okay" with comfort. The fabric can have softer yarn in the weave to make it more soothing on the skin. However, if you are on the lookout for good quality clothing, then Levis is a good brand.
In my opinion, Levis brand has made a good progress. But many people cannot afford to buy it. But personally, I have liked this brand very much because of the wide variety of colours and also because it is comfortable and convenient.
If you are on the lookout for jeans which are cheaper, then Levis is not for you. Levis jeans come at high rates. Yet there are times when brands are sold at discount rates. At this time, you might be able to buy Levis brand at comparatively cheaper rates.
Overall, Levis is a good brand.