I am a die hard fan of the Levis products. And jeans are just a start. I am also a great fan of their advertising. Those billboards look gorgeous. They smack of style, beautiful photography & great way in which human body & clothing styles have been combined.
However, some times I wonder (actually more than some times) what is the point of great clothes & lovely billboard advertising when the people you are trying to communicate with are so horribly close minded & narrow outlooked ? I refer here to great standing models who cover their essentials with fabulously looking levis clothing. At one end, I admire the campaign (speaking like a marketeer myself) and yet at another I speak as someone who is surrounded by a sea of minds that give the self authorised dictat women must dress in a certain way .... else we cant help if they are ra*ed !
I wonder if in this day and age, these self proclaimed moral policemen are allowed to express their views as shamelessly as they often are, there where are we as people of the new age headed ?
I believe that vulgarity is not about the clothes we wear, but the attitude we carry. Its not about who dresses how, but about how we choose to see them thru our eyes. I for one have seen many women wear off-shoulders, mini skirts, midrift revealing tops & have yet looked elegant & the essence of admirable beauty.
And I have seen women in Salwar-Kameezes & Saris who have looked obscenely out of sinc. Sometimes often even vulgar. So the point is, is the difference in the clothes they choose to wear that is the all important deciding factor on how civil they look; or the attitude with which they carry what they are wearing; or the eyes with which we see what they are wearing .... ?
My view: It got to do more with the second & the third. Lets try & grow up as beatifully balanced minded people. Let us not try & restrict what others wear, but restrict what & how we feel when we see what others are wearing. All of us have a right to choose - and choose not only what we wear but also how we think .... think about that.
Kudos to levis for standing tall on what it wants to communicate & doing that so beautifully. Shame on some of us for finding excuse to molest women, just because we dont think that what they wear is right - or to put it more blatantly, what they wear is actually the reason for the firing up of our testostorone levels (excuse my spellings .... but then hopefully I have given some of us enough to not excuse the way we think ....!!!)