I just had an interview yesterday.. there were 2 HRs .. a dumb (male from some Balaji college.god knows where it is) and a dumber (female HR who was trying hard to convince herself that she is an HR). We were told to report at 9 am sharp and we all did. We were told that our GD pi and then test would be taken. First group went at around 10.30 where their GD and PI was taken. After 45 minutes, they came down. I forgot to mention, that we all students were made seated on the ground floor with one single fan (poor people ).
Second group went in , now theirs only PI was taken and no GD. truly unprofessional behavior. The HR didnt know what to do...losers..My turn came around 1 PM.. and was told that GD would be taken after an hour i.e after lunch time. I said OK.. but they finally realized that students are sitting at down in scorching heat without fan at around 4 pm where they again started taking PIs of the remaining students.
Finally after all the students were done with PIs .. then it was me who called up above to confirm that our GD would be taken or not we were finally called up again at 5.30 PM ...our GD was taken and we all were rejected.
Friends, this is a bogus company where one director of the company (who is also a MP of daman and diu) , comes with his dog inside the office. He stays the entire day with him ... the security guards are just for the namesake and to take care of his dog. The HR people dont know the simple etiquette and HR policies ..
I am glad .. that I didnt get through the round .... and am happy.. :)