The Z43 is the latest Lexmark printer to arrive. and is perhaps the cheapest model in its range. In the past these printers have struggled to match the quality of other such as HP, Epson or Cannons. it is a great little printer for this amount of money. It is a pound under £100. Traditionally though, Lexmark printers have struggled to match the printing quality of other like Epson and HP and the Z43 is no exception. It managesgood printouts but are a long way from the quality of dedicated photo printers. They have only one advantage over these printers and its price - £99 compared with more than £200 for a quality photo printer. This is a bargain!! The setting up installing the software is very simple.
The Z43 has further fleshed out the already ample body of the Z42. and weighs in at a hefty 4.7Kg. Its similarity to the Z42 was further confirmed when I found out that both models use the same cartridges. These arent cheap either at £30 for a colour cartridge and £25 for black. All in all, the Z43 has a small improvement over the Z42, the main point being that its a bit faster, particularly when printing photos. Its a decent all-rounder, producing up to five pages per minute and offers excellent text quality. The Z43s baby sister, the Z33, performs nearly as well as the Z43, costs £20 less and looks cuter.
The Z33 is the wise mans Lexmark purchase as the Z43 simply isnt that much better. The instruction mannual is in colour with nice easy to follow diagrames. I hope I have convinced you that you are in need of a hardware update. Go on treat your self.