I had purchased LG LCD ans 21 CTV at the same time.After a year or so, my LCD tv started having issues with its power supply and not switching on intermittently and my CTV had problem with its picture tube.I registered my complaint and for nearly a month we had to constantly follow up with the service center personnel to visit our residence to resolve the issue.
What irritated us most that whenever we used to follow up on the case we used to get response from the service center that the engineer would be onsite the next day and the next day never came.Frustrated we escalated to their customer service E-mail id where again we got empty promises on the issue being resoved on priroity.
On multiple contact to the id, we were given the contact details of one Mr Janak Doshi who assured us that someone will be onsite on priority.We had someone attending the call in next 2-3 days (approximately a month after the call was initially logged) and gave us a story on the power issue being due to local power supply but not able to justify why other neighbors running other brands of LCD facing the issue.Moreover we are running a SAMSUNG LCD in other room without any issue.
For the CTV, he confirmed that he will be coming with tne picture tube as replacement but he disappeared without trace after that.Again the cycle started with contacting Mr Doshi and he went through the service number details in the system and informed me that the service seems to be closed without any information. He requested me to raise a new Service ID and inform him on any issue.I opened a new
service ticket for the issue and to my surprise, i got an SMS within 3 days stating that service request was closed till further customer update.And this was done without visiting or contacting us to analyse the problem.
In summary, an extremely pathetic service oriented organization and doesnt seem to have any internal control over their service centers.Definitely not a brand on which I will be investing any more hard earned money in.