Hi, this is my first review at mouthshut and let me start with where I started. When I thought of changing the TV, I was having choice of LCD, LED or Plasma. When first inquired, 90% of advisors guided me towards closing on LCD and reason was new technology, prevailing myths about Plasma, high cost of LED etc. After lot of confusion, I decided to do the research on my own. I started with LCD TV from 42" onwards. After all technical gimmicks, I decided to have a look at multiple TVs of multiple brands and different sizes. I primarily was interested to buy a min of 42" but later thought bigger one like 47"+. After many rounds of visiting various stores and brands, I closed on buying 50" Plasma TV (50PQ70) from LG.
Honestly, I am extremely happy with my decision so far.
Let me explain you the reason for being satisfied.
In current setup, I am using Tata Sky Set Top Box(STB) at my home and my primary watching is to TV serials, movies and news(typical Indian TV viewer).
Color: As everyone knows that plasma TV can never be beaten from Color perspective, I also had the same opinion after this TV is installed. All colors shown in this TV is so natural that I am unable to make any difference from my previous CRT TV.
Size: When I thought of buying a new TV, there was multiple option of buying either of 32", 42", 47". Keeping the room size in mind initially I thought of buying 42 inch LCD but in one of the demonstration for plasma TV, I observed that viewing distance does not matters much in case of plasma panel. In my case, 50" of TV looks good to me from distance anything more than 8 feet. However, it looks perfect from 11 feet onwards.
Price: I closed the deal at 59.5K from Bajaj Electronics in Hyderabad. which looks a fair price as LG Authorised shops i.e. LG "Best Shop" was quoting 3.5 K more than this.
Picture Quality: Excellent. I have no issues with quality of picture. Although I understand that this is mostly depends upon input quality of signals, but with Tata Sky STB, this is phenomenal.
Features: This model(50PQ70) is not lacking even a single feature which I can imagine as on today. USB, Bluetooth, IPS etc simply makes this best from feature point of view.
Sound Output: This was my one of my primary need when I started looking for new TV. For me, Sound and Picture quality is not compromise-able factors. Earlier siblings of this TV(50PQ60 or 50PQ30) is lacking in sound as this has only 2 speakers. This machine definetly performs better with 2 way 4 speaker systems.
Look and Feel: TV looks great on table top installation. 50" simply looks great when we watch normal TV program on this. One of the reason could be that same faces(from TV serials) are looking much bigger than its 29" size brother. I do not have any concern even I am watching TV programs at 16:9 ratio.
Overall: I understand that lot of my friends are very much confused with Plasma, LCD and LED. In-fact, most of us starts the researching with LCD Vs. Plasma. In My Opinion, if you are a normal TV viewer who likes watching TV serials, news, movies etc, plasma is the best choice for you. However, I would urge everyone who is confused in deciding the technology, ask your dealer to show you the same size, same channel and same size of TV with same signal strength. This would help you decide very fast as you see what you about to get.
Thanks, Sandy