ADDITION 17-10-2006
Just experienced that this phone does not works if you move out of your state (National Roaming). I am not sure if they have corrected the problem in newer handsets. Just a word of caution..
I have been using this phone for last 4 months. I got this phone from Tata Indicom outlet for Rs.5000. Phones looks are perfect and that is what attracted me most. It has got 500 X 4 nos. addressbook and can store other contact info like pager, email etc etc. Display is excellent and voice quality is pretty good. It is loaded with many col applications like world clock, calc, alarm, timer, schedule, anniversary remider etc. What it lacks is a voice recording application. However for such a cool price it can be overlookled. This phone is BREW enabled and I can check my yahoo mail, IM anytime, free of cost. Phone can store upto 50 SMS and dialling records are managed quite well. On regular use battrey lasts around 2 days. Use of internet consumes lots of battery. While on net one can see sites only in text mode and not with graphics.