Well Friends I bought this phone to gift it to my sister on her birthday.She always demanded for an mobile phone which have Mp3 Ringtones , FM radio, good color screen, and slim.Well after reading two previous review on this mobile I make my mined to purchase this phone . Well I was excited to hear that this phone give lots of free stuff too Like...A Free stereo speaker system , a earphone , and a data cable ..So finally I go to shop and purchased this phone with the above mentioned free accessories.
Ok now its time to review this phone .
- Looks and style: Well this product doesnt looks ugly. Infact it looks very lovely and give a good hold in hand .Its very slim and doesnt makes hold heavy .Am surprised why guys calling it a ugly phone .
2.Startup and Switchoff : Well when I press the start button to switch on this mobile I was expecting that it will take about 30 to 45 secs to start , but the phone starts in just 5 to 6 secs with very pleasing LG tone and graphic, also it switch off very fast.
- Screen display and contrast: Well Lg claim that its an 65000 color screen with CSTN color screen .I have heard that CSTN screens are not so good in terms of display , but here I am very much impressed by its color brightness and contrasts . Its give the impression of 2.5k color screen. I have observed that these korean maker are very good in making good displays for there mobile as compared to nokia , You cannt expect a good color display from nokia Under Rs 10000. So here this phone really way ahead from its competitors.
4.Placement and Feel of buttons:Well I must say that here This phone really sucks .Buttons are so crapy and close to each other that sometimes I find difficult to dial numbers.
5.Memory: Well the biggest advantage I see in this phone is that it have 60 MB of memory .No phone in this price range come with 60 MB memory . U can copy 15 to 30 songs depending on wat quality u chose chose for mp3s (64 bits to 320 bits).It have 100 sms memory , there is no option to save ur sms in inbuilt pendrive.
6.Software:Well korean makers are known for there simple yet very attractive softwares designed for for phone.Here too they tried there best to make this phone software as simple as they they can but they forgot some basic lessons :
A...When u sent any sms to ur frds or relative it automatically saves in outbox folder of ur phone , but in case of Lg c 2500 u have to press (send and save) button to save ur sent messages ..
B.Phone comes with no software cd , its an plug and play phone therefore u cannt install Games (You can install games only through GPRS) , u cannot edit ur phone book ur sms , and u cannt backup ur sim and phonebook on ur computer.
C. It is very strange to see that phone startup and swithoff tones , sms tones , defaults tones all are sames ...Lg dont care for providing diff tones for all of these funtions .
7.Sound quality: Sound reception in terms of hearing phone call or FM Radio is average .when I hear Mp3 sounds at full volume , sound quality ditroites and gives lots of DISTORTION.This is very unpleasant to hear as they are claiming high to give stereo speakers inside phone
9.FM Radio: Well the FM RADIO dosst support handfree funtion which means u can only hear fm radio through headphone , u cannt hear fm on ur phone as it doesnt support loudspeaker funtion so FM is limited to only that person having earphone..
Also I find it diffcult to scan FM stations automatically , it gives an error messages saying that YOU MUST POWER ON THE PHONE, I cannt understand how I can scan FM stations without powering on the Phone.
10.Acessories:Phone comes with a Data Cable , Steriophonic speakers , and earphone.
Well data cable is just little more then hand palm so if u dont have any front usb port on ur computer u have to stand up and sit again and again just to see wat you have copied on your phone
They claim that they are providing sterophonic speakers with this phone , belive its just an ordinary computer speakers which costs just 150 to 200 rs in market , they gives just a basic sound quality
Earphone cable dossnt have any button to recive and and disconnect call , therefore u have u pick ur mobile out of ur pocket and push the recive the phone call or vice versa.
11.Battery life:I dont have any complain regarding battery life .It performed above my expectatons.My sis hear lots of mp3 and said that battery life is quiet impressive.On the battery it is written that the battery is :MADE IN JAPAN so may be it is becoz of this .
12.Camera: Camera quality is average , give good shots during daylight, performs very poor in night.
Final words:This phone try to deliver everything watever is relavant or apeals to youth , but still it lacks juice , may be it is becoz of the fact that its just an 6500 rs (yes I got this phone at 6500 in delhi)..Yet it will apeal to those users who cannt afford to buy 10000+ nokia phone for similar feature .