Guys n girls u woulda seen the ad LG MY PC on tv i. u get one for 28k and get accessories worth 25k free. I didnt believe that offer n checked it out at an LG dealer near my place n he assured me that the ad was correct and I can really get articles worth 25k free of cost on purchase of a desktop.I jus wondered how the company could survive if its prime motive is welfare of the ppl. I really bcame a fan of LG from that time onwards.
But somehow I was not in a position to buy a pc at that time and I bought 1 six months later.this time the offer was not bad but not really a paisa vasool too.but I needed a desktop desperately n I actually got 1. I bought an LG My PC desktop for 26k with a reasonably good configuration(Pentium4), 128mb ram(DDR), 40GB HDD. lemme tell u I bought this pc iam workin on right now 4 years was a decent config at that time. I was never really impressed with its performance anytime. not even on day 1.
When u get a new PC u expect it to be reasonably fast isnt it(especially wen u hav worked on celeron).but then the speed didnt fascinate me even on the first day. well regularly I used to get hardware problems with my pC n I continue to get them... the first year wasnt bad to tell the truth(yeah, I twas under the warranty period). even if I got 25 problems in total n the first year, I got them fixed.but after the end of warranty period life got worse. I got an LG DVD combo drive installed within 3 months of purchase of the had a warranty period of 1 year too. durin the first year it stopped workin n I got it replaced. I mourned the end of the second one after 1 year was a really tough stop. the DVD reader first, then the CD writer and last the Cd reader all successively met their end one after the other.
then I got a samsung dvd writer installed.i got that 18 months back n its workin fine even today. I jus hope it goes like this for another 18 months. but it has never given me burnin probems and errors like "burn process unsuccessful".i m pretty happy with the way its workin and I think its worth the money I paid for it.
then my PCs USB ports problem. there are all in all 4 USB ports. but only a combination of any two work any time.there are 2 at the bac n 2 at front. try ur luck by pluggin in ur USB devices at all of these ports cos only 2 of them work.i think this 4 USB ports config is definitely somethin LG has to boast abt cos no other PC in the market I guess hav 4 ports. but then an LG MY PC needs 4 ports for gettin atleast two of them to work. hehehehe.
well, its a branded PC(LG is the brand of cos)but it is manufactured by assemblin all cheap stuff from the market in the LG My PC cabinet. u wouldnt blieve me wen I will say that even my motherboard is not an intel 1. its a gigabyte motherboard 82845G.
the one really genuine problem is that it has no AGP slot for an external graphics card. I actually wanted one n asked a a dealer to install it in my PC. but then he said that a graphics card has no slot in my pc. tis is wot makes the matter more hell like. u wanna run some games and other enhanced video applications like ur friends do but then u cant do that simply because u dont hav a slot. its infuriating.
the only thin I can do rite now is go for a new PC, thats a total upgrade im talkin abt. but then taht isnt economical n I hav settled for the same PC till the time it ends itself like my LG DVD combo drive....
so guys I recommend to most of u to not buy any branded PC(not even compaq now called HP) cos its not worth the pay. for the same sum of money u can get an assembled PC with a step better config in all components. actually an assembled PC has the best of everythin.
so dont get confused the next time u wanna buy a PC, ie whether to go for a b randed 1 or assembled all time decision is to get an assembled PC.